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The Sill

PH Factor Episodes

Hosts Peter and Harry converse on all things techno-artistic. Everything in the world is fair game, from the nature of Time to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Sept. 26, 2021

TSP160 - PH Factor: Where Do I End And You Begin? - My body, your hea…

Where do my individual rights end, and your public rights begin? The crux of this moral and societal dilemma revolves around agreeing on a satisfactory answer to this question, which may affect the way we understand ‘the comm...

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Sept. 12, 2021

TSP159 - PH Factor: We’ve Gotta Get Out Of This Place - Breaking out.

Reaching escape velocity, or breaking out of self, requires intention, energy and direction. There are a multitude of options that may help get us there, as many options as there are individuals. Executing the breakout may be...

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Aug. 29, 2021

TSP158 - PH Factor: Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog - What brings you joy?

Our quest for joy has taken on a whole different dimension during this time of Covid. A conversation exploring the many possible roads leading to euphoric epiphanies, which will hopefully help to rejuvenate our depleted spiri...

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Aug. 15, 2021

TSP157 - PH Factor: Citizen Engaged - Challenging the status quo.

Co-host Harry Posner shares his motivation and experience from a recent World Freedom rally and march held in Toronto on July 24, 2021. Challenged by co-host Peter Noce to elaborate, the conversation spirals outward to includ...

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July 18, 2021

TSP155 - PH Factor: Walls of Bias - Blinding Truth

TSP155 - PH Factor: Walls of Bias - Blinding Truth We are all biased in one way or another. The question is, are we aware of how biased we are and do we need to do anything about it? This conversation is an attempt to explore...

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July 4, 2021

TSP154 - PH factor: Year 5 Begins - A Fond Retrospective

July 10, 2017, marks the beginning of The Sill’s 5th year. With 154 episodes in the can, the audio journey continues to surprise and captivate the imagination, through the art of conversation. The hosts reminisce about favour...

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May 23, 2021

TSP151 - PH Factor: Who’s in charge? Who do you trust?

Are we experiencing a fundamental failure in leadership during this time of Covid? Just as leaders have been judging their populations willingness to comply, we the people have been assessing their level of competence and int...

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Feb. 28, 2021

TSP145 - PH Factor: What’s The Bottom Line? - Conclusion vs Inclusion.

Our approach to dealing with the complexities of the modern world is profoundly affected by our decision to take a conclusionary or inclusionary attitude. From our dealings with Covid to child rearing to friendships and spous...

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Jan. 17, 2021

TSP142 - PH Factor: Business ‘Not’ as Usual.

TSP142 - PH Factor: Business ‘Not’ as Usual. Two lockdowns within a year have posed near insurmountable challenges to ‘business as usual’, forcing business owners and entrepreneurs to seek out creative ways of remaining comme...

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Dec. 20, 2020

TSP140 - PH Factor: Silver Linings - The bright side of Covid.

In this year of trials and tribulations, of viruses and lockdowns, the resiliency of people across the planet has been nothing short of inspirational. As we navigate forward, maintaining a positive attitude is proving to be a...

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Oct. 25, 2020

TSP136 - PH Factor: Muzzling Dissent - Access denied.

The right to free speech is not a given. In this day of ‘unfriending’, it is easy to muzzle our fellow human beings, in order to control the narrative. From censorship on campuses to discouraging your children from, “Speaking until spoken to”, the...

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Sept. 13, 2020

TSP133 - PH factor: Becoming Other - If not now, when?

This period of Covid-19, has catalyzed the impulse towards personal and societal change. The question is how capable are we, as individuals and members of society, to realize these changes, given the power of traditional thin...

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Aug. 2, 2020

TSP130 - PH Factor: Every Breath You Take - The body politic.

Is it even possible anymore, that human beings can communicate with each other, directly and authentically, given the pandemic of politicization? The challenge to defy categorization is paramount in our attempt to resist the ...

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June 21, 2020

TSP127 - PH Factor: It’s A DIY World - Peggy Lee’s Delicious Lips

Do-it-yourself, on the surface a new fad propelled by the COVID crisis, is in fact an age old go to and accepted MO throughout human history. Using the creation of a DIY audiobook - Peggy Lee’s Delicious Lips - as an example,...

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May 24, 2020

TSP125 - PH Factor: Necessity is the mother.

During the mother of all crises, another mother is stepping up to give birth to a plethora of creative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not surprising, in light of other historical upheavals, out of which emerged new and u...

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