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The Sill

PH Factor Episodes

Hosts Peter and Harry converse on all things techno-artistic. Everything in the world is fair game, from the nature of Time to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
March 12, 2023

TSP198 - PH Factor: The World As It Could Be - Our Vital Choices

TSP198 - PH Factor: The World As It Could Be - Our Vital Choices We struggle with defining what it means to be happy and/or free and yet, these two states of being are critical to the functioning of a healthy society. How do ...

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Feb. 26, 2023

TSP197 - PH Factor: Universe Or Multiverse - The jury is out.

TSP197 - PH Factor: Universe Or Multiverse - The jury is out. From religion to art to technology, the notion of worlds beyond our own has captured our imagination for a very long time. How can considering and working with the...

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Feb. 12, 2023

TSP196 - PH Factor: The Nation State - On the road to extinction?

TSP196 - PH Factor: The Nation State - On the road to extinction? In a world that’s becoming globalized, the question of the nation state becomes more pertinent than ever. Is it possible to get to a place where national bound...

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Jan. 29, 2023

TSP195 - PH Factor: Rip In The Fabric - Conspiracy or Consensus?

TSP195 - PH Factor: Rip In The Fabric - Conspiracy or Consensus? Given that many people are currently experiencing to varying degrees a profound existential dilemma, exacerbated by a lack of clear thinking, how are we to resp...

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Jan. 15, 2023

TSP194 - PH Factor: When Winning Is Losing - How success fails us.

TSP194 - PH Factor: When Winning Is Losing - How success fails us. Our preoccupation with winning at all costs can often lead to pyrrhic victory. Repercussions can include everything from addiction to poor sportsmanship, ramp...

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Jan. 1, 2023

TSP193 - PH Factor: Talking Points - Language Defaced

TSP193 - PH Factor: Talking Points - Language Defaced Is language going to the dogs? Have we lost our ability or motive to communicate, heart to heart, three years into our relatively enforced social separation? Duration - 37...

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Dec. 18, 2022

TSP192 - PH Factor: Sonic Tools - All The Bells and Whistles

TSP192 - PH Factor: Sonic Tools - All The Bells and Whistles Two of the most fundamental sounds in our sonic tool belt are bells and whistles. The use of these two tools have been an integral part of our culture for millennia...

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Dec. 4, 2022

TSP191 - PH Factor: Step By Step - Walk, before you run.

Walking literally represents our nascent step in life, and its loss the signal to our journey’s end. From civil rights marches to celebratory parades and benefits to our overall health, walking remains fundamental to our phys...

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Nov. 6, 2022

TSP189 - PH Factor: The Reconciliation - Healing A Wounded World

In the latter stages of Covid as a world emergency we, as individuals and as a collective, have come to the realization of just how wounded we are. How do we reconcile the divisiveness we are experiencing, both within and wit...

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Oct. 23, 2022

TSP188 - PH Factor: Living In Spiritual Limbo - Getting beyond the di…

This is possibly a first Covid to Covid conversation, in which the hosts struggle with their respective mental fogs, to explore first hand getting beyond the disheartened self. Duration: 28:02 Posted: October 23, 2022

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Oct. 9, 2022

TSP187 - PH Factor: Getting Older - Rediscovering the Self.

As a follow up to part one on The Sill’s growing older series, the hosts ruminate on their own experience of growing older, including changes to libido, dealing with regret and forgiveness and a plethora of other associated r...

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Sept. 25, 2022

TSP186 - PH Factor: Getting Older - Where to from here?

From ageism to medical assisted suicide to issues with technology, seniors are now facing unprecedented challenges. Part one, of a two part podcast, exploring the world of aging. Duration: 34:06 Posted: September 25, 2022

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Sept. 11, 2022

TSP185 - PH Factor: The Confucius Way - K.I.S.S. realized.

Unusual and unexpected - Confucianism, a 2,500 year old philosophy, hangs out with K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) a 21st century systems principle. Surprisingly, they have much in common, despite the millennial gap. Duration...

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Aug. 28, 2022

TSP184 - PH Factor: Citizen Can - Is human transformation possible?

From technology to brain chemistry to complacency, we are replete with challenges to transformation. Are we capable of pushing past what holds us back? Duration: 27:25 Posted: August 28, 2022

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Aug. 14, 2022

TSP183 - PH Factor: Network Failure - What are we learning?

On July 8, 2022, a major national telecom company experienced a critical network failure that affected an entire nation. It’s not the first time, nor will it be the last, that such an event has occurred or will occur. Are the...

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