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The Sill

What Just Happened? Episodes

In our most recent series, we discuss historical events, inventions, and ideas in a more casual and entertaining way.
July 30, 2023

TSP208 - Incandescent Spirits

The early industrial revolution spawned a spirit of experimentation and invention, and gave birth to innovative individuals - as noted in this podcast - Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse. These inventors, am...

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July 16, 2023

TSP207 - Rocking and Rolling

Two of the most fundamental human activities, rocking and rolling, have catalyzed human behaviour and invention for thousands of years. From technological developments to popular toys, their influence is immeasurable. Duratio...

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July 2, 2023

TSP206 - Old and Dispensable?

Getting old is inevitable, and yet we struggle with accepting this very natural process. As a society, how do we navigate the minefield of social obligations, economic necessities and physical reality of a fast growing sector...

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June 18, 2023

TSP205 - Manufactured Oblivion?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is enveloping humankind like an uncertain cloud. From its unofficial origins in 1940’s wartime Europe to the modern day furor over ChatGPT, advancements in AI magnify the critical questions about ...

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June 4, 2023

TSP204 - Rising Tides of Discontent

Much of what we take for granted in the affluent West is a direct result or consequence of the impulse to protest injustices and other forms of oppression. There are more ways than ever, in the modern world, to express and ac...

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May 21, 2023

TSP203 - From Wired to Wireless

From ancient Etruscan jewelry to barbed wire to submarine cables criss-crossing the world’s oceans, the ubiquity of wire in underpinning our current way of life is undeniable. Not only is the history of wire fascinating, it’s...

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