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Feb. 25, 2024

TSP223 - The Evolution of Evil

The notion of evil is nothing new, but the word itself has become an increasing part of our daily lexicon. Is this word overused? Should we modify our understanding of this word and the way we apply it in our daily life?

Duration: 31:27

Credit: YouTube Segment with Ricky Gervais - Invite Hitler Or Little Girl With Food Allergies

Posted: February 25, 2024


  • Concept of evil and its evolution in society
  • Different types of evil and their connections to religious beliefs
  • Societal perception of evil in modern times
  • Empathy for the "bad guy" in movies versus real-world perceptions of individuals in power
  • Association of "evil" with religious connotations
  • Historical evolution of the concept of evil
  • Types of evil: moral evil, natural evil, bodily pain, and mental anguish
  • Evil as a failure to take action in situations of suffering
  • Societal perception of evil and its portrayal in popular culture
  • Impact of the word "evil" in modern discourse and its desensitization