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Dec. 3, 2023

TSP217 - Freedom’s Just Another Word: Real or BS? (TSP021 Revised)

Unpacking the idea of freedom in a world seemingly bound by restrictions and limitations. Breaking the shackles.

Duration: 21:42

Posted: December 3, 2023


  • Limitations of freedom of speech and self-censorship in society
  • Societal norms and the influence of religion on censorship
  • Control of information and manipulation in censorship
  • Personal education and open-mindedness for a more tolerant society
  • Role of education in changing societal norms and laws
  • Impact of technology on freedom of speech and internet censorship
  • Importance of critical thinking and media literacy
  • Power of everyday conversations and finding receptive listeners
  • Leading a double life and suppressing true thoughts and feelings
  • Importance of being calm and centred when expressing oneself
  • George Carlin as an example of authentic and vulnerable expression