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Oct. 22, 2023

TSP214 - Do It Yourself Healing: Carrots versus chemicals. (TSP032 Revised)

Modern western medicine would be wise to embrace and integrate the traditional art of healing.

Duration: 24:25

Posted: October 22, 2023


  • Benefits of natural remedies and integrative medicine
  • Importance of considering weight, lifestyle, and nutrition before medication
  • Holistic and naturopathic treatments gaining popularity
  • Criticism of profit motive in pharmaceutical industry and side effects of medications
  • Limited focus on nutrition in medical education
  • Benefits of garlic, oil of oregano, saltwater, vitamin E, and onion as natural remedies
  • Personal experiences with homemade remedies
  • Importance of preserving the jungle for medicinal resources
  • Conflicting information from food companies and small farmers
  • Importance of positive mindset and lifestyle choices in health and well-being