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Sept. 24, 2023

TSP212 - Act Your Age: Where’s the manual? (TSP010 Revised)

Ageism is the new social prejudice, at a time when people over 65 are beginning to outnumber those under 15. Coping with the disadvantages of aging, while cherishing the advantages a long life can bring.

Ageism is the new social prejudice, at a time when people over 65 are beginning to outnumber those under 15. Coping with the disadvantages of aging, while cherishing the advantages a long life can bring.

Duration: 22:16

Posted: September 24, 2023


  • Aging and its perception in different cultures
  • Prevalence of ageism in society
  • Bridging the generation gap and learning from each other
  • Impact of traumatic experiences on internal age
  • Correlation between music preference and youth
  • Increasing number of seniors in the population
  • Value of physical assistance and reflection as one gets older
  • Two ages: body age and internal consciousness age
  • Cultural differences in how aging is viewed
  • Challenges and changes in relationships and physicality with aging