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The Sill

We are no longer producing episodes of The Sill, ending a seven year run (July 10, 2017 to July 10, 2024).

As of July 20, 2024, The Sill has surpassed 100,000 plays and/or downloads and the number of listeners has risen steadily, with increasing public interest and as the global podcast community grows.

The last podcast, the 229th episode was posted on May 5, 2024. The website and the existing 229 episodes will remain available at this time.

Thank you for listening and for all your comments and support, past, present, and future.

Recent Episodes

May 5, 2024

TSP228 - Hernia Chronicles: Stories of Repair, Recovery, and Resilien…

One in four men will have to deal with a hernia in their lifetime. Peter and Harry have a phone discussion about their respective inguinal hernias and compare their private versus public care experiences in Ontario, Canada: P...

Episode page
April 21, 2024

TSP227 - My Chess Memoir: Kyle Creamer

It’s an open secret that Peter’s co-host Harry is obsessed with the game of chess, as is The Sill’s interview guest, Kyle Creamer, who harry met at the Bluenose Open chess tournament in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kyle’s first publ...

Episode page
April 7, 2024

TSP226 - A Defence of Poetry in the Digital Age

Following Harry’s recent talk at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Peter reached out to him by phone to discuss the highlights of the presentation and celebrate the release of Harry’s latest poetry book titled ‘Fra...

Episode page
March 24, 2024

TSP225 - A Life of Travel: Stefania Ingrosso

Dreams can become a reality. In this informative and very expressive episode of travel adventures abroad, join our guest and world traveler, Stefania Ingrosso, as she shares her experiences and insights on embarking on her tr...

Episode page
March 10, 2024

TSP224 - Shattered Cultures and Simpler Times

The hosts reminisce on their formative years growing up in the 50’s, 60’, and 70’s, culminating in the question: Was life more straightforward and less fragmented in those days, as compared to life today? Duration: 31:17 Cred...

Episode page
Feb. 25, 2024

TSP223 - The Evolution of Evil

The notion of evil is nothing new, but the word itself has become an increasing part of our daily lexicon. Is this word overused? Should we modify our understanding of this word and the way we apply it in our …

Episode page